There's No Magic Pill

We are bombarded every night on TV with commercials that promise the magic pill that will cause you to lose weight without changing your diet and with little or know exercise. It’s so ridiculous – are you kidding me ?

Or antiaging cream that causes you to look like a Victoria Secret model over night! We will just leave that one alone.

The antiaging ad that I’d like to see is a baby covered in cream saying, “Ah! I’ve used too much!”

This world has gone crazy! And aren’t you glad that you can never have enough of Gods grace! Or His keeping power in the midnight hour !

Listen – many people and there sales pitches make promises they cannot and will not keep – but there is several promises that you can bank your life on.

Jesus said -“I will never leave you or forsake you ” and “In my fathers house are many mansions – I go and prepare a place for you – but I will come again and take you with me – that where I am you may be also.”

That my friend is not a sales pitch …
It’s the gospel truth – one you can build your life upon!

Rev Ran 🙂