This morning at the gym a college kid was wearing a WWJD bracelet (What Would Jesus Do). It got me thinking.
If you want to know how Jesus thinks, then study the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon, found in Matthew 5-7, lays out the worldview of Jesus himself. Do you want to know how His heart really beats? Then study this sermon. It is the official manifesto of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
It begins with the words, “Then He opened His mouth and taught them. . . .”
As you read the Olivet Discourse, remember it was not given to the multitudes. By that I mean it wasn’t given to the world at large. The Sermon on the Mount is not a philosophy by which we govern society, because people don’t believe in God for the most part. So, they never would live by the Sermon on the Mount. This Sermon is, effectively, for believers only.
So sit down and read the whole thing in one session and learn about God’s worldview. Then you won’t have to ask WWJD ?
Rev Ran 🙂