He Waits To Be Asked

Sitting in the airport reading about the miracle at the wedding in Cana. It struck me that it happened because Jesus was “invited.” They invited Him into their home, they invited Him to their wedding, they invited Him to share in their joy, and guess what? He came. He showed up at the party. And because he was there, He changed an embarrassing situation into a miracle that only He could provide. He stepped into an impossible situation and transformed nature in a way no one could have possibly guessed or predicted.

He is still in the business of doing that very thing. But he will never just barge into your life -into your worries and fears and sorrows – uninvited. He waits to be asked. Once you do, once you invite Him to join the party, you have absolutely no idea of the difference He can make in your today. And your tomorrow and your eternity!

Today why don’t you “invite” Him into every situation in your life.

Rev Ran 🙂