The One Who Matters Chose You

Have you ever been told by a coach, “Your just too small and to slow we can’t use you.” Or maybe when you were six a kid said, ” Did you know your ears stick out?”

Maybe a misguided teacher said, “Your not teachable, you will never amount to anything.” Possibly you were passed over for the promotion and it was given to a less qualified person because they were friends with the boss. That’s when the Devil begins to play those insecurities over and over in your mind.

Have you noticed how the negative voices will always play the loudest? Friends, If you don’t take control of your thought life, through God’s written Word (Bible) then every hurt, every criticism, every derogatory comment will play again and again in your mind.
Instead of believing the lies of the Devil look what Gods word says;
1 Peter 2:9, “You are a chosen people. You are a royal priest, a holy generation, God’s very own possession.”

People may leave you out. People may overlook you. But always remember, the One who matters most chooses you. That means you weren’t randomly chosen. God, on purpose, looked at you and said, “I choose him. I choose her. They’re My son. They’re My daughter.

He has a way of working everything out for our good! And it’s always better than we could have ever imagined!

Rev Ran 🙂