Today, at the gym a friend said, “I don’t even have time to think. It is so hard to concentrate when you’re being bombarded from all sides with so many voices and demands pulling at you.”
That really got me thinking. I have found, It’s even harder to focus on God when I don’t take time to renew my mind and refresh my spirit by spending time quietly with the Lord. So many loud things seem to shut out the voice of God.
Friends, God doesn’t often shout to get our attention. Instead, He usually speaks to us in “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12, NKJV).
So, what can we do to put ourselves in a position to hear God’s voice? We must be proactive and make time in our daily lives to get quiet. David said of the Lord in Psalm 23:2, “He leads me beside quiet waters.” Today I want to encourage you to find those quiet waters where you can get alone with the Lord.
It may be a room in your house, in your car on your drive to work or school, or some other place where you can shut out the noise and distractions of the world for just a few precious minutes. The key to renewing your mind, body and spirit is to develop the habit and discipline of meditating (thinking) on the Word of God every day — even if it is for just a moment. That’s a good time to say, “Speak to me Lord, your servant is listening.”
Rev Ran 🙂