I read the following story about this driver in the Orange County Register :
There were only two cars at the end of the freeway exit ramp, but no one was moving. Clearly the first driver was too timid to blend into the flow of traffic. Opportunity after opportunity passed her by, and cars piled up on the ramp. Finally, the driver moved, spurred by an exasperated motorist at the end of the line, who yelled, “The sign says yield, not surrender!”
At different times in our lives each of us have related to that shook up driver. If you’ve been frightened about your future, and wanted to “surrender” to fear, then the words God spoke to the Israelites in Jeremiah 29:11-14 is for you as well.
Understand, God has plans for you and your family, plans to give you a hope and a future… If you call to me I will be found by you says The Lord and bring you back from captivity.
So “surrender” your life and future to Jesus not to fear and watch His plans unfold.
Rev Ran 🙂