I read about a middle school student – Her class assignment was to interview an “old person” about his life, so she asked her grandpa, What was the biggest historical event that happened during your childhood?”
“I’d have to say when Neal Armstrong did the moonwalk,” He replied.
She looked disappointed. “That dance was so important to you?”
I guess the story got lost in the translation. The same thing can happen when we share the gospel with today’s generation. We can no longer assume people know Bible stories or understand our Christian frame of reference.
So keep it simple – Tell them:
Jesus loves you –
He died on the cross for you –
If you will confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord! And believe in your heart
That God raised him from the dead – repenting of your sin – he will be faithful to cleanse you of all your sin and by grace give you the gift of eternal life!
Rev Ran 🙂