
The Discovery Channel was doing a story about 450 sheep that fell to their deaths in Turkey. According to the story one sheep jumped off a cliff, and then 1,500 others followed.

I thought … wow … that’s really dumb. Then they went on to explain, not only will sheep follow other sheep, but they also will follow goats. In fact, that is how sheep come to be slaughtered. A “Judas goat” is used to lead the sheep up a ramp to be slaughtered. They will get in line and actually follow the Judas goat to their deaths.

We may think sheep are stupid animals, but remember, Jesus calls us His sheep. And we sometimes do things that are outright stupid as well. Don’t we try at times to run from God? Don’t we disobey the Word of God? Don’t we resist His will in our lives? Of course we do. The Bible tells us, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way . . . ” (Isaiah 53:6). That is just the way we are. We are just like sheep.

So instead of following other sheep—and certainly not a Judas goat—we should follow the Good Shepherd. Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me ….. neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:27).

This Fourth of July America who have you chosen to follow?

Rev Ran 🙂