There are many unsung hero’s in the Bible. One of my favorite is Andrew, Peter’s brother. Andrew is primarily known as the man who brought others to Jesus.
1. Thoroughly excited, he brought his brother Peter to the Lord with the words, “We have found the Messiah” (John 1:41)
2. He brought a little boy to Jesus saying,”Here is a boy with five small barley loves and two small fish…” Jesus then feeds the 5,000
3. Just before going to the cross, Andrew with Philip brought a delegation of Gentiles to meet The Lord, when they said “Sir we wish to see Jesus.”
I believe you can say that Andrew is like the patron saint of unsung heroes- he represents the kind of people that fill our local churches and habitually fly under the radar doing what needs to be done, and not worrying about who gets the credit.
But here is the thing we need to remember:
If we had more Andrews, who simply brought people to Jesus we would probably have more Simon Peters.
Friends – Let’s bring people to Jesus, stand back, and watch whatJesus will do !
Rev Ran 🙂