Its All About Faithfullness

Normally when most people step onto a scale, they want to weigh less. But when you step onto God’s scale, you want to weigh more. You want to have substance and depth and purpose and weight to your life. When Daniel confronted the wicked King Belshazzar, he told him, “You have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up.” Effectively he was saying, “Belshazzar, you are a spiritual lightweight. You have done nothing with your life.”

That really causes you to stop and think. It is not so much about bad things you did; it is more a question of what you did with your life. Did you accomplish anything? Did you impact anyone? Did you seek to glorify God with your life? Or did you spend it in the pursuit of nothingness?

God is far more interested in our faithfulness to what He has called us to than He is in our success. It is all about faithfulness. That is what you will be judged for in that final day.

Rev Ran 🙂