Happy Father's Day

On this Fathers Day 2013 I want you to consider this: many of the attitudes a child will develop about God will be based on their relationship with their fathers. While I am not trying to lay a guilt trip on fathers, I do want to say that we fathers need to do everything we can to be a godly influence on our children.

Many adults have never grown up themselves, so they abandon their responsibilities to their families to chase after their own interests.

That is why Andrew Murray said, “The secret of home rule is self-rule: first being ourselves what we want our children to be.”You are an example. The question is, will you be a good one or a bad one?

To know that our children walk with the Lord — that is our great hope. But we need to remember that they don’t belong to us; they belong to God. Our responsibility is to point them to Him. It is my prayer that you are doing just that!

Happy Fathers Day 🙂