During World War II, an American pilot who was shot down over the jungles of Burma was able to safely eject from his plane. As he landed in the deep, dense jungle, he was met by a friendly Burmese man. The man gestured for him to follow. So the American soldier followed the man through the jungle. There was no path that he could see, and ahead of him was the Burmese man, slicing away with his machete. It didn’t seem like they were going in any particular direction. The American became frantic. So he yelled out to the man, “Where is the way?”
In broken English, the man told him, “I am the way. Follow me.”
That is what Jesus says to us in the maze of life: “I am the way. Follow Me. I will get you to where you are supposed to go.” The entire meaning of the Christian faith can be condensed into four words recorded in John 14:6 : “I am the way.” No matter what you are dealing with today; FOLLOW JESUS !
Rev Ran 🙂