In the Old Testament we find an interesting story of how King Jehoshaphat took an uncommon approach when his enemies waged war against him. Instead of sending in his army first, he sent in the choir and musicians.
Imagine the scene: “All right, guys, here’s the plan today. A blood thirsty army is out there, armed to the teeth. So, we are sending in the choir and the musicians.” If I had been a choir member or musician, I might have wondered whether the king liked our music. But God had directed Jehoshaphat in this unusual battle tactic. We read that Jehoshaphat appointed people to sing to the Lord, and go out in front of the army saying, “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever” (2 Chronicles 20:21). The Bible tells us that when they began to sing and lift there praise, God sent an ambush against the enemy, and they were destroyed. God’s people were able to go into this situation giving thanks, because He was in control. The same is still true today! What ever situation you find your self in today – PRAISE
THE LORD and HE will make the way. He is ALWAYS in control!
Rev Ran 🙂