You Are The Salt Of The Earth

I think that we Christians are sometimes tempted to isolate ourselves. We want to submerge ourselves in a Christian subculture of our own making and not get too involved in the world.

But Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” In those days, salt was considered to be very valuable. In fact, the Romans considered salt more important than the sun itself. Roman soldiers would even be paid with salt. So when Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth,” He was saying in a sense, “You’re valuable. You’re important. You’re significant. You can make a difference.”

A little salt on a bland piece of meat can make all the difference. Have you ever had someone put salt in your water when you weren’t looking? You immediately noticed the change. A little pinch of salt can alter the flavor of something, just as one Christian in a situation can effect change.

Don’t you think it’s time for the church to get out of the salt shaker? Lets make a difference!

Rev Ran 🙂