Wonderful Counselor

Just before bed, I turned on Fox news to catch up on the latest world events. It didn’t taken long to realize the word is in desperate need of wise council.

In Isaiah 9:6 the prophet foretells the birth of Jesus Christ, then gives us several names or descriptions of the messiah. One of those descriptions and names is counselor. However, Isaiah says He’s not just “any kind” of counselor, He’s the “Wonderful Counselor.” When something is wonderful, it means it is unusually good, marvelous or astonishing. Think about that for a moment. God is a marvelous, astonishing, unusually good counselor—the very best the world could know!

Today, no matter what you may be facing, no matter what kinds of decisions you have to make, consider bringing it to Jesus in prayer. Ask Him to direct your steps and confirm His perfect will for your life. Then quiet yourself and listen to his still small voice.

Remember, He is the “Wonderful Counselor.”