When Men Were Men

Remember when men were men? Remember when you could tell by looking? Remember when men knew who they were, liked how they were, and didn’t want to be anything but what they were?

The last few days my son Morgan’s girlfriend Kalynn, has brought her two year old nephew to our house. He is all rough and tumble, no fear, 100 mile an hour BOY! And I love it! He brings back great memories of when my three sons were his age.

Over the last three decades we have seen a major assault on masculinity. The results are well represented in the arts, the media, the world of fashion, and among those who have become the heroes of our young people.

On the heels of a bloody Civil War, Josiah Holland wrote a passionate prayer on behalf of our country. It begins, “God, give us men. . . .” But the truth is, God doesn’t give a nation men; He gives us boys. Baby boys, adolescent boys, impressionable boys, who need to know what becoming a man is all about. God’s plan is still as He designed it at creation. And it starts in the home. That is what Psalms 78 is all about.

Men, are you modeling manhood according to God’s Word? Moms and dads, are you raising your sons to be authentically masculine? If not, why not? Think it over!

Rev Ran 🙂