Supernatural Peace

Sitting in a quiet house I read ….

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7 ESV

Have you ever asked yourself, “What does the Bible mean when it talks about the heart of man ?” I admit it can be kind of confusing.

Heart is used in Scripture as the most comprehensive term for the authentic person. It is used to describe the real you.

It is the part of our being where we desire, deliberate, and decide. It has been described as “the place of conscious and decisive spiritual activity,” or “the comprehensive term for a person as a whole; his feelings, desires, passions, thoughts, understanding and our free will.”

It is”the true center of a person. This is the place to which God turns and looks deep into each and everyone of us. The place where God longs for His spirit to be welcomed.

This is what is meant when someone says, “Have you given your HEART to Jesus. Have you surrendered to Him.”
When you welcome Christ into the true center of your life (heart) and make “Peace with God,” you immediately are given access to the “Peace of God” that surpasses all understanding. That “Peace”that you belong to Jesus and are now in Christ Jesus. Then guards your heart and your mind or the center of who you really are from the lies and the attacks of the devil.

Now you have access to a supernatural peace in the midst of life’s greatest storms. I have experienced that Peace.
Have you ? If not -It all starts with inviting Jesus into your HEART. You can do it right now – He…is … listening

Rev Ran 🙂