Modern Day Andrew

On the plane tonight I was reading about Andrew. In John 1:41 it says: He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ).

Andrew could be the patron saint of the relatively unknown but faithful followers of Jesus. Andrew was the first of the disciples to be called. In fact, he was called even before his brother Peter. It was Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus. Andrew obviously knew Peter. He knew that Peter was a force of nature, the kind of a guy who, when he walked into a room, would light it up. He would dominate the conversation. He was a natural leader, the guy that others looked to.

Andrew, on the other hand, flew under the radar. Andrew was more soft spoken, more quiet. He even may have been tempted to think, You know, I am tired of always living in Peter’s shadow. I don’t want to introduce him to Jesus. He will get all of the attention, and I will be overlooked. But the first thing Andrew did was bring his brother Peter to Jesus.

In fact, that is always what Andrew was doing. There is also a story in the Gospels about when some men from Greece wanted to talk to Jesus. They went to Philip, and then Philip took them over to Andrew, who was the go-to guy to get to Christ. And it was Andrew who brought them to Jesus. That was Andrew: always bringing others to the Lord. There is no end to what can be accomplished if we are willing to get the job done and not worry about the accolades of others, but simply work for the glory of God. Andrew is the model for all Christians who labor quietly where God has called them. We don’t know their names as well as we may know the names of those who are on the stage but they are known and greatly loved by God. Thank God for the modern day Andrews they make fulfilling my calling a whole lot easier.

Rev Ran 🙂