Make Sense Without Compromising

It’s a real challenge to reach our culture today. In my 25 years of ministry, I have never seen greater Bible illiteracy.

There was a time when you could assume most people had a general idea of the Bible.

Not anymore. People are largely oblivious to the Bible, not only as God’s Word but even as great literature.

We can no longer assume that they understand what We mean when We say something along the lines of, “You need to repent of your sin and put your faith in Jesus and become His disciple!” They might wonder what it means to repent, or even what sin is.

Our challenge as believers in reaching this post-modern generation is to make sense without compromising our message.

By the way, I think way too much is made of the whole modern/post-modern generational issue. There are some valid things to know about each group, but let’s not forget that the essential gospel message does not change.

The gospel that the apostles delivered in the first century still resonates with the twenty-first century. The message that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save people from there sin is still and always will be the message that sets people Free!

Rev Ran 🙂