Have you ever sat and thought about Heaven?
Friends our most detailed description of Heaven is found in Revelation chapters 21 and 22. To gain an appreciation for just how marvelous Heaven will be we need to understand the nature and dimension of the city that will be its capital. The New Jerusalem is the crown jewel of the new creation of God. The New Jerusalem is not all of Heaven, but it is the capital city of Heaven. Remember, God has been building that city for the last 2,000 years!
The size of the New Jerusalem is mind boggling. It is the answer to anyone who has ever asked, “How is Heaven going to be big enough to hold all of the saved down through all of the ages?” The city’s exact dimensions are measured by an angel (Revelation 21:15-17) and reported to be cube-shaped with each side measuring twelve thousand stadia (nearly fifteen hundred miles). We don’t have to worry that Heaven will be crowded for the base of the city alone adds up to more than 200 million square miles. A city this size if placed in the United States would reach from Canada to Mexico and from the Appalachian Mountains to the California border. Perhaps even more amazing if we allowed 12 feet per story the city would be more 600,000 stories high.
There is within every human heart a desire for home, this desire for home can only partially be fulfilled in the present. Someday we who have by faith believed in Jesus Christ as our Savior, are going home. As C.S. Lewis said, “If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.”
Rev Ran 🙂