Watching “Duck Dynasty with my kids and CEO Willie says, “If you want to get your heart right go to the woods.”
I think David may have been sitting out in a pasture one night, taking in all the glory of God’s creation, when he wrote, “O Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them?” (Psalm 144:3).
That is a great question. I have often thought the same thing. Why would God care about us? I don’t know, but I know that He does and I am thankful. If it concerns us, it concerns Him. If it is a burden to us, then, in effect, it is a burden to Him that He wants to deal with and resolve. We see this illustrated in the life of Jesus. In Mark 5 he has the time to heal the demon possessed man of the Gaderenes, Tabitha the daughter of Jairus, and the women with an issue with her blood.
This is a reminder that God is never too busy for us. We may think God has so much going on in the universe, and He does. But we are His children, and He always has time to hear our prayers. Call out to Him – the master of the universe is listening.
Rev Ran 🙂