I believe the hardest part of evangelism is getting started. But once you get started, and once God starts speaking through you, it can be one of the most joyful things you have ever done. To think that God almighty would speak through someone like you or me is indeed a great privilege. It is an honor to go and tell others about Jesus. I have been privileged to have this honor for 25 years.
Friends, We have a choice either to evangelize or fossilize, and a lot of people have chosen the latter. While it may be true that we are not all called to be evangelists, we are all called to evangelize. And the place to start is at the beginning. We reach the world with the gospel one person at a time.
You can personalize Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) by going to your world. Go to your workplace. . . . Go to your family. . . . You have a sphere of influence. You have a group of people who will listen to what you have to say. Go to that world—the world to which God has called you.
Rev Ran 🙂