The Lunar Eclipse, the coverage on Christian television and all the latest books, and articles have prompted many people via Face Book or texts to ask me, “Randy, do you think this is the last generation – are we living in the last days?
Of course they are referring to the last days before “The Rapture of The Church” when Jesus returns to take His Bride the church to our new home in heaven.
It seems that some are asking out of fear, others out of excitement, some out of curiosity and still others out of a genuine love for Jesus.
My answer is, “I don’t know – The fact is NO man knows the day or the hour only God the father who is in charge of all things. Jesus told his disciples not to concern themselves with those things – but to simply be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the utter most parts of the world.”
Likewise we shouldn’t be trying to put a time clock on God based on speculation and theory.
But I do know this: It’s your last days and mine.” The issue is not, “Do we live in the last generation?” The issue is, “Will you and I live for Jesus Christ in the one generation we have and do business for Him until He comes?”
So it dosnt matter if the moon is White, Red, Black or Green – let’s not get side tracked.
Instead – Let’s live for Jesus every day – and do what we can – while we can.
Rev Ran 🙂